My name is Wyatt Garcia. I’m an Electrical Engineering student at the Cal State University of Long Beach. I love getting hands-on and applying my knowledge to cool and exciting projects. Check out the technical experience tab.

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A little about myself

I have been interested in engineering since a young age. I was born and raised in Palmdale, California. Nearby was Plant 42, which housed Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and Northrop Grumman. Every day I would see planes people would only see at airshows. Seeing the B-2 bomber, U-2, and F-16 at the time were daily occurrences if you were lucky. I was always amazed at how they could fly and what allowed them to do so.

This motivated me to join my high school's engineering academy, called the FAST academy at Palmdale High School. Since then, I have always been interested in engineering projects. These include the Solar Falcon Race Team, Shell Eco-Marathon Group, and Beach Launch Team. Seeing your or your team's creation come to life from start to finish is extremely rewarding; this is what keeps me going.